MANA’s national membership is estimated to be between 1,000 and 3,000 Hispanic and Latinx individuals. A multitude of Latinx ethnicities are represented, including (but not limited to) members of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban, Central American, South American, and Spanish descent. While MANA is an organization for Hispanic women, there are active male members as well. The organization is liberal, especially in terms of its original activism, but it is a nonpartisan organization and has liberal, conservative, libertarian, and other politically aligned members and leaders.
MANA puts a focus on leadership and career development and its members follow a variety of professional careers. The majority of women in MANA have pursued higher education, with 80% possessing Bachelor’s degree. Additionally, 30% of overall members have both a college and Postgraduate diploma.[citation needed] Members work as chief executive officers; elected officials; teachers; staff or founders of nonprofit organizations; health professionals; government workers; artists; lawyers; paralegals; human services and social work professionals; scientists; and other professions.
Benefits of Membership:
- Become a Latina Advocate-Through your MANA membership, you will have the opportunity to learn about issues facing Latinas nationwide. You will have the opportunity to participate in the latest campaign and issue advocacy on behalf of Latinas in your community.
- Join a Network of Latina Leaders– Through Chapter/ Affiliate interaction, National training events, or engaging via social media, you will get the chance to interact with Latina Leaders at all levels throughout the county.
- Access Training and Professional Development– Each year, you will have the opportunity to attend the MANA Annual Conference too receive program training and workshop that contribute to both professional and volunteer development. MANA National also conducts Containing Education webinars throughout the year as a benefit to members.
- Attend MANA Events– MANA members are invited to attend events and training programs as a free or significantly reduced cost.
Have any questions? We’d love to hear from you!
4138 W Vernor Hwy
Detroit, MI 48209
(313) 721-2154