Mana de Metro Detroit is the local chapter of the MANA National Organization. Our mission is to empower Latinas through leadership development, community service, education and advocacy.

Mana is short for Hermana, Spanish for “Sister.” The MANA National Organization was founded in 1974 in Washington, D.C.


As we look forward to our 30th Anniversary in 2025, we see MANA continually transforming itself to better meet the challenges faced by a new generation of Latinas. What remains consistent is MANA’s core principles of Leadership, Service and Advocacy for Latinas nationwide. As our organization approaches 30 years of service, we reflect on the legacy envisioned by our founders; a national community of informed Latina advocates working to improve the quality of life for all Latinxs. MANA has always emphasized personal empowerment, professional development, networking, and community service.

From the onset, MANA promoted the pursuit of higher education and student success. To this end, MANA created a strong Scholarship Program and is now developing a Mentorship/Tia Program, along with revamping the Hermanitas Program. Some of our community service initiatives range from the School Hygiene Program to various civic involvement activities around voter registration and voter education. In the past few years, MANA also implemented the Adopt-a-Family for the Holidays Program. In addition, MANA continues to support, amplify and uplift the various programs provided by agencies/organizations to the Latino community. We are proud of the legacy being developed by the new generation of MANAs. Adelante hermanas!


Hermanitas Program – provides opportunities for growth through the mentorship of our young Latinas by Latina leaders from all arenas: education, government, political, business, and community. The program encourages young Latinas to stay in school and achieve high academic performance, and helps to develop the talents and skills of young Latinas in elementary, middle and high school though educational and leadership programs.



“Las Soldaderas Yesterday Today and Tomorrow” by Mary Luevanos

MANA de Metro Detroit invites you each year to our Brindis (from brindar: to toast ceremoniously in honor of someone) Luncheon to award scholarships to Latina students in the Metro-Detroit area. We salute the scholarship awardees for their dedication to education, self-improvement and  to serving our community. We offer them our support and encouragement.

In addition, we also salute outstanding women and “amigos” who go beyond their daily responsibilities to promote and support the Latino community. The women are the recipients of MANA’s Adelita Award (named in honor of the dedicated women who fought in the Mexican Revolution). The women being honored are recognized for their volunteerism, self-sacrifice, activism and proven commitment to positive change in the community. The Amigo Award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated through their actions their commitment to the advancement of Latinas in our community and supports MANA’s Mission to empower Latinas.

The Adelitas and Amigos honored are a great example of what it means to be a member of a community. It is this type of leadership and community service we hope to relay to our scholarship recipients. At the Brindis, we come together to raise our voices in salute of these individuals whose powerful spirit inspire us all.

Click the link below for more information and Save the Date!


MANA de Metro Detroit established its Scholarship Program in 1996 and has been providing scholarships for Latina women annually. Since 1996, MANA has awarded one hundred thirty-eight (138) scholarships. Scholarship awards cover expenses not covered by other grants or scholarships, such as, books, other school supplies, parking, gas, and other transportation related costs.

Eligibility requirements for scholarship include the following: must be Hispanic/Latina, resident of Detroit or Metro Detroit, and be accepted or currently enrolled in a higher education institution, vocational/career training, or leadership program. Additional requirements are listed on the application form.

Although MANA started with only one scholarship category, the program has expanded to five (5) scholarship categories:

MANA de Metro Detroit – General Scholarship

This is MANA’s first scholarship and it was designed to assist students of any major with financial assistance to supplement their school budget.  In subsequent years, MANA expanded the scholarship program to include specific scholastic majors.

Carmen Muñoz Entrepreneurship Scholarship

The Carmen Muñoz Entrepreneurship Scholarship was created to honor Carmen’s life and encourage Latina Women to continue her legacy of entrepreneurism and community engagement. 

Monica L. Martinez Leadership Scholarship

Monica L. Martinez served as a compassionate advocate and voice for the underserved families, neighborhoods, entrepreneurs, business owners and communities throughout her career. She was also instrumental in providing funding for the MANA scholarships and for the Hermanitas program. This scholarship was established to honor her legacy.

Dr. Ellen Ochoa STEM Scholarship

Dr. Ellen Ochoa became the first Latina to go to space when she served on a nine-day mission aboard the shuttle Discovery in 1993.  She has flown in space four times, logging nearly 1,000 hours.  Her 30-year career at NASA culminated in serving as the 11th Director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, from 2013 until her retirement in May 2018. Due to Dr. Ochoa’s pioneering spirit in the sciences, MANA is proud to name the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) scholarship in her honor. 

Gloria Rosas Teacher Education Scholarship

Since immigrating to the United States, education was the engine that propelled Gloria Rosas’ life of service in Southwest Detroit. Gloria always placed great value in education and the role of parents in the education of their children. Gloria has been advocating on behalf of parents for decades and continues to passionately advocate for bilingual education. For these reasons, MANA is honored to establish the Gloria Rosas Teacher Education Scholarship.



“As a scholarship recipient, this is a triumph that will not only aid me financially but empower me throughout my academic journey. Thank you MANA.”  Alejandra Padilla-Miguel

“I am sincerely thankful for the Gloria Rosas Teacher Education Scholarship. With this great opportunity, I can transform my dream of becoming a Secondary English and English as a Second Language (ESL) educator into reality. The scholarship will allow me to further my education with less financial burden and dedicate more time to my studies. There has been a portion of worry as to how my parents and I would pay for my education. Fortunately, your scholarship will help cover some of those expenses. Thank you MANA!” Jenifer Rizo-Perez

2024 Adelitas y Amigo 

Tanya M. Caruana, Olga Ortiz Rodriguez and Eva Torres  

2024 Amigo: Dr. José Cuello

ADELITAS  1996 – 2007

  • 1996 Adelitas Community Involvement – Irma Clark, Gloria Rocha, Gloria Rosas, Christie Urgo de Lozano
  • 1997 Adelitas Education – Penny Bailer, Norma Barquet, Gloria Butler Miller, Ines de Jesus
  • 1998 Adelitas Health – America Bracho, Guadalupe Lara, Myrna Mendez, Toni Villarruel, Erminia Ramirez
  • 1999 Adelitas Political Empowerment – Jane Garcia, Honorable Belda Garza, Eva Garza Dewaelsche, Hon. Patricia Perez Fresard
  • 2000 Adelitas Arts and Culture – Dr. Lucie Cruz Gajec, Cristina Huizar, Marta E. Lagos, Nora Chapa Mendoza, Jacqueline Rae Sanchez
  • 2001 Adelitas Business Owner – Ninfa Cancel, Maria C. Luna, Patricia Rojas Ferguson, Jacklyn Salazar, Serafina Hernandez
  • 2002 Adelitas Media – Olivia Galan, Carmen Garcia, Laura, Luevanos, Raquel Vazquez, Sara Toro, Dolores Sanchez
  • 2003 Adelitas Labor – Rebecca Cabreros, Alana Reyes-Ali, Maria Enriquez, Gloria Gonzalez, Goldie Martinez, Elena Herrada, Maria Winters, Sandra Esparza, Luisa M. Perez
  • 2004 Adelitas Leadership – Maria Flores, Sally Rendon, Angela Reyes, Blanca Almanza
  • 2006 Adelitas Community Service – Mary Barela, Mary Luevanos, Adela Rivera, Maria Salinas, Mary Turner
  • 2007 Adelitas Advocates – Ruth Dumas, Alicia Juarez, Juanita Hernandez

ADELITAS  2008 – Present

  • 2008 Adelitas Recipients – Jeanette Avila, Carmen Muñoz, Edith Colon, Giovanna Rodriquez
  • 2012 Adelitas Recipients – Sister Consuelo Alcala, CSJ Dorothy Alcala, Laura Echartea, Sheila Jackson, Monica Martinez, Judge Maria Oxholm, Kathleen Wendler
  • 2013 Adelitas Recipients – Cindy Estrada, Beatriz Esquivel Ramos, Debra Ehrmann
  • 2014 Adelitas Recipients – Sylvia Gucken, Renee Liagkos, Celia Christina Rosas ,Rosa Cruz-Avila
  • 2015 Adelitas Recipients – Rocio Campos, Alma L. Guajardo-Crossley, Marycruz Gutierrez Saldivar
  • 2016 Adelitas Recipients – Laura Reyes Kopack, Laura Robollar, Whitney Walton
  • 2019 Adelitas Recipients – JoAnn Chavez, Maria Enriquez, Melissa Villarreal
  • 2022 Adelitas Recipients – Dr. Sandra M. Gonzales, Helena Rezende Lazo, Diana Ortega, Linzie Venegas
  • 2022 Posthumous (Mano) Award – German Rosas Farias
  • 2022 Amigo of the Year – Dr. Juan José Martinez
  • 2023 Adelitas Recipients – Estrella Crawford, Vanessa Reynolds, Gabriela Santiago-Romero
  • 2023 Amigo of the Year – Ray Lozano
  • 2024 Adelitas Recipients – Tanya M. Caruana, Olga Ortiz Rodriguez, Eva Torres
  • 2024 Amigo of the Year – Dr. José Cuello



Thank you to all our Sponsors!


EXECUTIVE – Officers & Chairs

President – Stephanie Lopez Gilmore
Vice President – Cindy Gamboa
Secretary – Micheline Silva 
Treasurer – Tanya M. Caruana
And All Committee Chairs


Laura Torres, Co-Chair
Marcia Mercado, Co-Chair
Maria Flores
Alicia Juarez

Erminia Ramirez
Ninfa Cancel
Cindy Gamboa


Diana Ortega, Chair
Sandra Valle-Holdwick
Belda Garza
Eva Torres
Elsa Calleja
Vanessa Reynolds

Eva G.Dewaelsche
Ana Sandoval
Alma Crossley
Veronica Beltran
Estrella Crawford


Tami Arreguin, Co-Chair
Belda Garza, Co-Chair
Tanya Caruana
Ines de Jesus

Nora Rodriguez
Marisol Quesada
Elizabeth Gonzalez


Myrna Mendez, Chair
Daniela Garibay
San Juanita Barajas
Jonelle Lopez
Alejandra Padilla-Miguel

Melanie Calvillo
Laura Chavez Wazeerud-Din
Elizabeth Amezcua-Tepehua
Estrella (Star) Crawford


Ines de Jesus, Chair
Laura Echartea
Ana Calandrino
Rocio Contreras

Helena Lazo
Sandra Valle-Holdwick
Sandra Gonzales


Have any questions? We’d love to hear from you below. Or, you can email us at, mana870@ymail.com


    4138 W Vernor Hwy
    Detroit, MI 48209